2019 XSE 4-Cyl Whining on Acceleration... Should I Be Worried?

I’ve got a 2019 Camry XSE (4-cylinder), and I’ve been noticing a whining noise when accelerating. The pitch increases as I speed up, but it doesn’t happen when coasting and doesn’t change with gear shifts.

Took it to my family mechanic, and he hears it too. He checked the transmission fluid—no issues there. Car shifts fine. His guess? Torque converter. But when I asked for a replacement quote, he said I might as well replace the whole transmission. :grimacing:

Not sure what to do here… keep driving it as is? Anyone else dealt with this?

Don’t start replacing parts, especially a transmission, without a real diagnosis. Could be something simple.

I’m experiencing the exact same thing with my ‘19 SE at 82k miles. Started about 1k miles ago. It’s a constant whining sound that winds up when I accelerate, then stops when I lift my foot off the gas.

Been dreading going to a mechanic, fearing the worst (transmission issues). :sweat_smile: