2022 Toyota Tundra engine recall: Any feedback on this?

It would be helpful if more people who have had their engines swapped could share their experiences. Additionally, insights from a service tech, mechanic, or someone high up at Toyota would be valuable. I have a low-priority engine recall and haven’t been able to get a clear answer from the dealership or forums about what to expect. The only consistent information I’ve received is that it will likely happen sometime next year and that it’s not a full engine swap, but rather a small block replacement. If you’ve already gone through this or work for Toyota, your comments and any details would be greatly appreciated.


Recent press releases suggest that Toyota might be assembling full engines and providing them as replacements, which would be a first for them. This approach is likely due to the logistical challenge of handling 100,000 engine rebuilds at dealerships with varying skill levels and availability.

Toyota should have arranged a loaner vehicle for you. As for timeframes or other details, there’s no concrete information yet.


Documents have not yet been released at the dealer level. No one has any real info.


I am not sure what is going on, but this recall has definitely worried a lot of people. There are 43 Tundras sitting at my local dealership because no one wants to buy them.


Well, for good reason, the engines are not great.

I have been without my 2022 TRD for a month now and am currently driving a Ram 1500. The dealership was honest and said it might take a while, so I’m just waiting it out.

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One month without and they loaned you a Ram? No time frame given to you for repair?

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Yeah, they sent me to an Enterprise location down the street from the dealership. A few of us were waiting there because they were running low on rental cars. About a month ago, they told me it could take anywhere from one to three months.


Interesting, gave me a Camry, even though I have 3 car seats and told me I can only get a Toyota from enterprise.

@Brice That’s Bullshit man,

I just visited the dealership, and they mentioned that Toyota released information saying only about 900 trucks would actually receive new engines. I’m not sure if they were being honest or not, but I know dealerships can make a good profit from recall work.


That’s incorrect on the number. Correct on the payment part

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As a service manager, I can say we still haven’t received much information about the recall, and I have seen the same details posted on the subreddit multiple times. Toyota has asked us about our preferred methods for replacing engines to gauge how most dealerships will handle them (likely to set warranty terms). Other than that, there hasn’t been any new information from TMNA for over a month (I just double-checked my email to make sure I didn’t miss anything). Claims that it will only be a short block replacement contradict the very limited information Toyota has released. No updated numbers or repair procedures have been provided.

Many Toyota dealer principals are currently in a meeting, and I expect that the recall will be discussed there, with more information to follow in the coming weeks.

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I would not worry too much about it. Whenever the fix is ready, getting a replacement engine will be great, and in most cases, you can likely delay the replacement until it’s absolutely necessary. In the meantime, you might consider using magnetic drain plugs or magnets in your oil filters to catch more debris. Here’s a quick article on it: Magnetic Drain Plugs for Toyota Tundra.