Adjusting to lower ground clearance

Coming from an SUV with 8 inches of ground clearance, switching to the Camry’s 5-inch clearance has been an adjustment. I’ve already scraped up the underside of the front bumper.

Anyone else run into this? I have to go really slow over speed bumps, steep driveways, and dips in the road. I guess it just takes time to get used to it.

I’ve driven cars with even lower clearance. You just have to be extra careful. But yeah, sometimes you’ll still misjudge a bump and scrape.

You’ll get used to it. The Camry isn’t that low compared to a lot of cars.

If I’m unsure, I just get out and check before going over something.

Not many speed bumps where I live. The only thing I really have to watch out for is those high parking blocks.