Dashboard lights dim when headlights are on… any fix?

When I turn the lights on in my '08 Aurion, the dashboard lights dim. I know this is normal, but it’s annoying when it’s not dark outside. Is there a way to disable this?

Does it have a manual control for brightness?

Nidra said:
Does it have a manual control for brightness?

I haven’t found one yet.

Thorn said:

Nidra said:
Does it have a manual control for brightness?

I haven’t found one yet.

On my Highlander, there’s a wheel near the steering column to adjust it.

Thanks! I’ll check it out.

In my 2021 Toyota, there’s an option in the display settings. For older models, try twisting the stalk near the dashboard, similar to setting the clock on older cars, but without pulling it.

Darcy said:
In my 2021 Toyota, there’s an option in the display settings. For older models, try twisting the stalk near the dashboard, similar to setting the clock on older cars, but without pulling it.

Thanks for the tip!

So an Aurion is basically a camry? Look, most likely on the RIGHT hand side of your steering wheel, since I’m assuming this is a RHD car. If it’s old enough there is likely a little wheel that you scroll up and down to adjust the brightness of the lights. I do know that on the Camery they swapped to two buttons one for up and one for down brightness next to the odometer button just under the cluster. In the U.S. its on the left side of the steering wheel, but I assume in RHD cars it will be just to the right side of the wheel under the cluster.

I don’t know what year that change over happened though from the little scroll wheel to the two buttons. Here is a video someone shared of a newer camry, but a LHD model.

You can also find this information in your manual. :slight_smile:

Edit: I found the information in the manual I believe. It’s actually the nob for the Odometer reset in this car. You turn the knob clockwise for brighter, counter clockwise for dimmer. Try that. Hopefully that image works.