How do you get winter salt off your car? Any tricks?

Winter roads are wrecking my car with salt. What’s the best way to clean it off before it does real damage?

What do you usually do?

Dara said:
What do you usually do?

Just soap, water, and some purple cleaner lol.

Eden said:

Dara said:
What do you usually do?

Just soap, water, and some purple cleaner lol.

Wait… purple cleaner? Like Fabuloso? My black 2023 RAV4 is covered in salt and looks awful. I tried Windex on the windows last weekend, and it froze instantly (classic New England problem). Got any quick fixes to make it look decent until spring?

I’ll grab a pic of what I use. Having a heated garage definitely makes a difference.

Eden said:

Dara said:
What do you usually do?

Just soap, water, and some purple cleaner lol.

What’s the name of that cleaner?

What about the undercarriage? How do you get the salt off from underneath?

Flippa said:
What about the undercarriage? How do you get the salt off from underneath?

You can get a pressure washer attachment that rolls under your car and sprays everything off. Works great.

That sounds perfect. I’ll check it out! Right now, I just run it through an unlimited wash at Fleet Farm and use the DIY bay to spray underneath.

I put mine on a hoist and clean everything by hand. Takes forever, but it works.