How Much Are You Paying for GR Insurance?

$1,200?! I’d just go back to not having a car.

NYC is brutal for car insurance. Try using an insurance broker instead of getting quotes online.

$100/mo – 31, married, Indiana, full coverage, multi-car & home policy.

Your issue is having no insurance history. Try this:

  1. Buy a cheap car and get insured on it for six months.
  2. Keep a clean record.
  3. Then reapply for insurance on the GR.

Your rates should drop dramatically after that.

$1,200 per month is insane. That’s not just about the car’s horsepower and theft rate—it’s likely because you haven’t had insurance for eight years. If you had passive income, sure, go for it. Otherwise… maybe rethink this.

$218 a month

  • 28M
  • No tickets or accidents
  • 790 credit score
  • Dallas, TX
  • 50/100/50 coverage
  • $1,000 deductible

$1,100 per year

  • 40+ years driving experience
  • Clean record for 10+ years
  • Suburban Massachusetts

I love how people act like $1,200/mo is completely normal. Like, 29 is considered an “inexperienced driver” now?

I got quoted $660/mo as my lowest. But when I cut my daily commute from 60 miles to 2 miles, my premium dropped to $200/mo.

Try adjusting your mileage estimates—you might see a difference.