I’m with Geico and paying $203 a month for a ‘24 Core in California.
About $200 a month.
$800 for 6 months.
I live in Michigan, so that’s probably why it’s higher. Clean driving record.
$1,100 per year.
I’m 25, no tickets, and have five cars on my regular policy, plus seven on a collector’s policy.
My GRC Premium is only $52 per month.
$200 a month with AAA. Full coverage, $250 deductible. 23 years old.
I pay $127 AUD per month, which is about $85 USD. Comprehensive coverage with windshield protection.
$570 every 6 months.
Just went up by $110 per year because I got a speeding ticket—25 mph over the limit, which was an automatic license suspension. First ticket in 20 years, but now I have to file an SR-22 and get an occupational license just to drive to work.
Drive safe, folks!