What are you guys paying for insurance if you have the 2024 4th gen Tacoma in Canada? Just wondering what I should be expecting.
Anywhere from $85 to $500 per month.
Where do you live? What’s your driving record and experience like? What kind of insurance are you looking for?
The cost can vary a lot depending on these factors. I know that my insurance would almost double if I moved from BC to AB. It’d also be much higher if I was 17 with only one year of experience, or if I had a history of claims or infractions on my record. Best thing you can do is call around for quotes.
God, I’m seriously thinking about just getting the cheapest insurance I can find. Insurance is getting so damn expensive.
I had to renew my insurance last month, and the quotes were insane. It ranged from $950 (with my current company, Desjardins) to $2800+ tax for the year. Crazy how much the prices can differ!