I want to change the oil in my 2023 Highlander Hybrid and I’m wondering how much I need with a new filter. Anyone know?
Should be 5 quarts. It’s in the manual.
Barrett said:
Should be 5 quarts. It’s in the manual.
I don’t have the manual with me, but I checked Toyota’s website, and it says 0W-16 and 4.8 quarts. Now that I could look it up, is it actually 4.8 or should I just go with 5?
A 0.2-quart difference won’t cause any harm. If you fully drained the old oil, 5 quarts should be fine.
Toyota usually recommends following the dipstick reading after refilling. Pour in 4.8 quarts, check the level, and top off if needed.
I always put in 5 quarts and have never had any issues. The extra 0.2 quarts won’t make a difference.
If you want to be precise, just go with 4.8 quarts and check the dipstick before adding more.
It depends on how well you drained the old oil. If some is left in, 4.8 quarts is probably enough. If fully drained, 5 quarts is fine.