If you never register the app, how would they even know it’s your car?
Blue said:
It’s something you have to sign up for.
Actually, it’s something you have to opt out of.
I opted out, and my rates still went up anyway.
Blue said:
It’s something you have to sign up for.
Nope, it’s turned ON by default. You have to manually opt out, and everyone should do it ASAP.
Yeah, all car manufacturers are doing it: Car Makers Shouldn’t Be Selling Our Driving History to Data Brokers and Insurance Companies | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Opt out in the app.
If you agreed to the terms in the app, then yes, they can send your data. If not, you’re probably fine.
Insurance companies have been offering this kind of tracking for years through plug-in devices. I’ve never used one, and I never will.
Turn this off in the Toyota app. Nothing good comes from it.
Go into the Toyota app and disable Insure Connect.
I doubt this even gets you better rates. Toyota just sells your data and lets Progressive market their tracking program to you.
If this is the same system that scores how ‘eco-friendly’ your driving is, it’s terrible. ‘Oh no, you pressed the gas pedal! Bad driver!’
I switched to Toyota Insurance and they actually gave me a discount for a clean driving record—even though I had an accident last year. Not sure how that works, but I’ll take it.
Glad I have an older car with no tracking.
Saw this in my manual when I bought the car. First thing I turned off.
Here’s how to opt out:
Account > Data Privacy Portal > Select Vehicle > Insure Connect > Manage Consent > Decline