Joined the family šŸ˜

This is my first Subaru and also my first brand-new vehicle! I bought it a week before we got hit with a couple of decent snowfalls here on the east coast. Iā€™m absolutely loving this car.

P.S. I know someoneā€™s going to mention it, so Iā€™ll just say it nowā€”the L and R stickers are no longer on my fog lights. :blush:

Congratulations and welcome to the Subaru family!

That color is amazing. Love it!

One of the best colors Subaru offers. Beautiful choice!

Awesome color! Iā€™ve got the same one. If winter would just take a break, I could get some nice pictures of mine too!

The color is stunning :heart_eyes:

This is a twin to mine! Unlike you, I still have the L and R stickers on my fog lights. Also, I only just peeled off the protective sticker from the emergency light button todayā€”and Iā€™ve had mine for a month. :sweat_smile:

I just got one exactly like this last week. Loving it so far!

I got the same combo back in October. Congrats!

Sheā€™s beautifulā€”congratulations! Welcome to the Subaru club.

Welcome to the family! :sunglasses:

What a gorgeous car! Congrats! :+1:t4:

Gia said:

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Get ready for all the Subaru-related jokes, especially the lesbian ones. Itā€™s a rite of passage. :joy: