Picked up this beauty about an hour ago. What do you all think?
Looks almost like mine, except my paint’s starting to peel in spots. Hope yours holds up better!
I’ve always liked those stock wheels. They’re simple but look great. I’d swap out the tires though.
Evans said:
I’ve always liked those stock wheels. They’re simple but look great. I’d swap out the tires though.
Yeah, the tread is getting pretty low. Definitely need new tires to pass inspection.
Looks solid. If you add fog lights, better headlights, and some new wheels, it’ll look even better.
Truck looks like it’s in great condition!
That’s a sweet ride you got there.
Looks awesome. Enjoy the truck and make it your own with some custom touches. It’s great as it is too.
Congrats and welcome to the Tacoma family. Nice truck!
I’ve had my 2nd gen Tacoma for about a month now. Love it way more than my last car!