KO3 and Diode Dynamics… How do you like them?

Just wanted to share my experience with these mods.

How are you liking the Diodes? Big improvement over stock?

Creg said:
How are you liking the Diodes? Big improvement over stock?

Very big improvement! I will post a night pic soon. I wouldn’t say stock were true fog lights. These diodes are bright!!! They are very easy to swap if you are looking into it. Multiple online videos you can follow. Just remove the bottom plastic trim.

I’m hearing that the KO3s are much smoother riding than the KO2s… Anything to report?

Shannon said:
I’m hearing that the KO3s are much smoother riding than the KO2s… Anything to report?

I have no experience with KO2. But I have not experienced any of the issues I have read about. I used to have a vibration with the stock tires at 80mph that is now gone if that means anything!

Those KO3s look sooooo good!

I need that off-road trail in my life!

Cairo said:
I need that off-road trail in my life!

Come to AZ!

What’s your lift? Looks great!

River said:
What’s your lift? Looks great!

No lift. Stock. TRD Off Rd. Pkg

Sayer said:

River said:
What’s your lift? Looks great!

No lift. Stock. TRD Off Rd. Pkg

Dang, and those are 35’s? Looks like Tire Rack is getting some more business from me!

Not OP and also not a tire expert but 275s are like 33s and not 35s I thought.

Those are 18” wheels. 275/70/18 is 33.2” tall. My 24’ TRD Off Road has the 20” wheels. 275/70/20 would be 35.2” tall.

Those lights are so bright it looks like daytime

How was the stealth bar install? Did you dremel out the plastic grid?