Let’s clear up some common worries about these trucks

Hey everyone, I’ve been noticing some repeat questions on this forum about Tundras, so I thought I’d share some thoughts as a certified diesel tech to help ease your minds.

  • Did your miles-to-empty reset after disconnecting the battery? Don’t worry! This happens because the truck calculates it based on your driving habits. Disconnecting the battery resets that memory.

  • Does your oil pressure gauge sit just below the middle and change with RPMs? Totally normal! These trucks usually have chain or gear-driven oil pumps, so fluctuations are expected.

  • Is it hard to turn in 4WD? That’s normal too! The outer wheels have to travel farther than the inner ones when turning, and 4WD affects this.

  • For the person parking on a sloped driveway: It’s fine! Nothing to worry about there.

  • Running premium gas (91-93 octane) in your Tundra? It’s not harmful, just a waste of money. Higher octane fuel is harder to ignite, but it’s unnecessary for these trucks.

  • Think the factory radio sucks? You’re not alone. It’s pretty bad.

Modern trucks like these are built to handle a lot, so if your truck isn’t throwing an error and feels fine, odds are it’s all good. Toyota put a lot into these trucks, so enjoy what they offer and don’t stress too much.

Feel free to correct me if you think I’m wrong or ask any questions! If I don’t know, I’ll admit it. Always happy to learn something new!

Thanks for mentioning the oil gauge! I’ve noticed it recently and wasn’t sure if it was normal for these trucks.

What’s the biggest tire size I can run with the stock suspension?

Thanks for sharing this.

These trucks are tough because they’re built to handle people who don’t know much about cars. Everything’s made idiot-proof now to avoid lawsuits. That’s why newer vehicles practically drive themselves.

The oil gauge thing made me laugh because I’ve stared at it sitting under half and wondered if that was okay!


Thanks for the info, Butters!

When you realize you bought a giant mistake, it’s hard to live with yourself knowing you spent so much on it. What a feeling, huh? :weary:

You’re wrong. These trucks are a blast!

Stokes said:
You’re wrong. These trucks are a blast!

They absolutely are! Not sure why anyone would downvote that.


Stokes said:
You’re wrong. These trucks are a blast!

They absolutely are! Not sure why anyone would downvote that.

Welcome to this forum.

Did your twin-turbo V6 give out? Don’t worry, that’s just how it goes sometimes.