People actually think the Outback sucks in the snow?!

Heath said:
Subaru has sold more AWD cars than any other manufacturer, and their AWD system is one of the most advanced out there.

Let them drive their Prius. :rofl:

Isn’t Audi’s Quattro system more advanced?

Yes and no. This guy breaks it down pretty well.

A Prius could be better in the snow… if it has winter tires and the Outback doesn’t. :joy:

I’ve been driving in snow for 25 years—FWD, AWD, everything. Tires are everything. But if both cars have the same tires, AWD always wins in snow.

Your wife’s friends are idiots. My household has both an OBW and a Prius, and I promise you, nobody in their right mind would take the Prius over the Outback in the snow.

Either they have no experience driving in snow, or their Outback needs better tires. :man_facepalming:

Drove my Outback through Donner Pass in a literal blizzard this past December with zero issues. So yeah… I’m calling BS on that whole ‘bad in snow’ claim.

I feel invincible in the snow with my Outback.

(I still drive carefully, but I feel way more confident than I did in my Jeep.)

My issue isn’t just that they’re wrong—it’s that they feel the need to say something negative in the first place.

If a friend spends a bunch of money on a car, you support their decision, even if you secretly think it’s dumb.

People just can’t help themselves. :man_facepalming: