Snow tires … Ridge Grapplers are letting me down?

I know how to air down my tires, but these still aren’t cutting it. I’ve had mud tires perform way better in the snow.

That license plate is awesome.

Caiden said:
That license plate is awesome.

I have my moments of brilliance.

Caiden said:
That license plate is awesome.

Lol right?

Caiden said:
That license plate is awesome.

It’s even funnier since he’s a Marine. As a Corpsman, that license plate fits perfectly.

A lot of people are switching to Baja Boss tires since Duratracs are gone.

Martina said:
A lot of people are switching to Baja Boss tires since Duratracs are gone.

I’ve tried the Baja Boss tires. Way better in snow than what you’re dealing with.

Joss said:

Martina said:
A lot of people are switching to Baja Boss tires since Duratracs are gone.

I’ve tried the Baja Boss tires. Way better in snow than what you’re dealing with.

Cheaper than buying a new set of clothes to freeze less too!

Martina said:
A lot of people are switching to Baja Boss tires since Duratracs are gone.

Wait, what happened to Duratracs?

RadiantRaven said:

Martina said:
A lot of people are switching to Baja Boss tires since Duratracs are gone.

Wait, what happened to Duratracs?

They stopped making them and brought out a new tire that no one seems to like.

Here’s a pic of my setup:

Looks good! Here’s mine:

Try the Falcon Wildpeak AT4s! I’ve got AT3s with 40k miles and they’re still great in snow.

Harlan said:
Try the Falcon Wildpeak AT4s! I’ve got AT3s with 40k miles and they’re still great in snow.

AT4s are the best tires I’ve ever had.

Love where you mounted your plate.

Yule said:
Love where you mounted your plate.

Haters say it blocks airflow, but I haven’t had any issues.

Renny said:

Yule said:
Love where you mounted your plate.

Haters say it blocks airflow, but I haven’t had any issues.

How did you mount it?

Robin said:

Renny said:
Yule said:
Love where you mounted your plate.

Haters say it blocks airflow, but I haven’t had any issues.

How did you mount it?

Used safety wire.

I’m picturing your tires making fart noises sliding all over the snow :joy:.

Check out this setup: