So… this happened

Wait… what’s new? What kind of truck is this?

Vesper said:
Wait… what’s new? What kind of truck is this?

I think the original post is about all the snow on the truck. :joy:

TimothyPerez said:

Vesper said:
Wait… what’s new? What kind of truck is this?

I think the original post is about all the snow on the truck. :joy:

Oh, gotcha. Snow’s so normal here, I didn’t even notice.

Looks like the OP’s in Alabama, though. That’s a LOT of snow for the Gulf Coast.

TimothyPerez said:
Looks like the OP’s in Alabama, though. That’s a LOT of snow for the Gulf Coast.

Yeah, more like 8 inches. My ‘scientific measurement’ was a bucket completely buried in snow. Found it when I tripped over it.

Snow down south seems to be a yearly thing now. Crazy how the Gulf got 6-8 inches while I’m six hours north and barely got any.

I’m in the Midwest. Bought a snowblower for the first time… and the south gets all the snow instead. :upside_down_face:

You’ve got more snow right now than Milwaukee’s had all year.

Lucy said:
You’ve got more snow right now than Milwaukee’s had all year.

That’s surprising. Does the lake effect only hit the east side of the Great Lakes?

Payne said:

Lucy said:
You’ve got more snow right now than Milwaukee’s had all year.

That’s surprising. Does the lake effect only hit the east side of the Great Lakes?

Mostly, yeah. Winds usually blow west to east, so we miss the worst of it. Winters now are more about the cold than snow.

Sounds like what my dad remembers from Ohio decades ago. Haven’t seen this much snow here in over 40 years.

Hey, that’s my weather! Give it back!

Enjoy the snow while you can!