Spilled water on my front seat... should I be worried?

I was on my way to work this morning, and my water bottle wasn’t closed all the way… ended up spilling about a cup and a half of water on my front passenger seat before I even noticed. The water soaked into the seat and even made its way onto the floor mat behind the seat. Now I’m kinda freaking out because I live in a humid area and I don’t want mold down the road.

I tried soaking it up with a blanket I had in my trunk, but I had to leave it there while I worked. Am I overthinking this, or should I do something else to dry it out completely?

Totaled. Time to start looking for a new car. :joy:

Zeke said:
Totaled. Time to start looking for a new car. :joy:

I knew it! Guess I’ll start car shopping now. :rofl:

Honestly, it’s just water. You’ll be fine. Unless you spilled soup or soda, there’s nothing to worry about.

Rey said:
Honestly, it’s just water. You’ll be fine. Unless you spilled soup or soda, there’s nothing to worry about.

Unless you’ve got heated seats… might want to make sure water didn’t get into the wiring under the seat.

Nope, you’re not overthinking. If water sits for too long, it can start to smell. Get an extension cord, plug in a small fan, and leave the windows cracked. Move the fan around to hit different angles—seat, floor, under the seat. That should dry it out completely.

RIP to your car. Might as well trade it in now. :joy:

You’re freaking out over nothing. A little water won’t ruin your seat. It’ll dry up and be fine.

A fan is a great idea, but I’d also grab some Damp Rid. That stuff absorbs moisture like crazy. Just don’t leave it in the car while you’re driving or you might have a bigger mess to clean up.