Took off the decals from my truck… what do you all think?

I finally decided to remove the decals from my truck. Here’s how it looks now:

What do you all think?

Good call. Looks way better now.

It’s such an improvement. Clean look!

This is so much better.

Everyone’s right, it looks awesome. I always cringe a bit seeing trucks covered in decals, but hey, to each their own. This is much nicer, though.

How will you ever know what kind of truck it is now? Joking aside, it’s a big improvement.

It definitely looks better without them.

Did it leave any damage behind? I’m always nervous decals will mess up the paint.

Guess you’ll have to rename the truck now… can’t call it ‘douchecanoe’ anymore.

It looks much better now! Such a clean look.

Finally… someone said, ‘Remove the decal!’ Looks great.