Toyota hybrid batteries, are they worth it?

This forum has some great discussions on Toyotas. This video goes deep into hybrid batteries, how to take care of them, and what you should know before buying one.

That guy is one of the best Toyota mechanics on YouTube. One thing though, the hybrid battery in this car is different from the one he talks about. This one uses lithium-ion instead of nickel-metal hydride. The design is close, but there are important differences.

If you’re thinking about working on this yourself, be careful. High voltage batteries are dangerous. I tried it once, and I wouldn’t recommend it unless you really know what you’re doing.

I wouldn’t touch that battery, just like I wouldn’t mess with the spring on a garage door. Thanks for the info on the battery.

I know heat and extreme cold are both bad for batteries, maybe heat is even worse. He mentioned always running the AC so the intake gets cool air, which makes sense.

What about parking in a garage that gets hot in the summer?

That’s a good question. I’d say if your garage traps heat, it might not be the best place to leave the car for long periods.

Davis said:
That’s a good question. I’d say if your garage traps heat, it might not be the best place to leave the car for long periods.

I’ve always been cautious with high-voltage stuff. I remember in a computer class, they taught us how to discharge monitor capacitors with a screwdriver wrapped in copper wire. No thanks. That’s one thing I promised I’d never do, and I still haven’t 25 years later.

Smart choice. I used to mess with disposable camera capacitors like an idiot.

I used to think he was great until I saw him in a discussion with two engineers. A lot of what he says is based on personal experience, but some of it doesn’t hold up when you look at the bigger picture.

If you search for that video, you’ll see moments where the engineers seem really confused by what he’s saying.

Do you have a link to that discussion? I’d like to see it.

Davis said:
Do you have a link to that discussion? I’d like to see it.

Here’s the video I was talking about: video

Vin said:

Davis said:
Do you have a link to that discussion? I’d like to see it.

Here’s the video I was talking about: video
