What happened to my 2021 Venza?

Last week, someone ran a red light and totaled my 21 Venza. I’m thankful the car kept me safe, and thankfully no one was injured.

I barely recognize it as a Venza without its front end being in one piece. So sorry to hear that, but it’s a relief to know you’re okay. Are you thinking about getting another Venza?

Zinnia said:
I barely recognize it as a Venza without its front end being in one piece. So sorry to hear that, but it’s a relief to know you’re okay. Are you thinking about getting another Venza?

My 23 XLE is Ruby Flare Pearl too. Definitely my favourite colour on these models :slight_smile:

Wow…glad you’re alright

Look at what happened to my car, it’s unrecognizable now

It’s great that you’re okay. Getting another Venza shows it’s a good choice .

I’m so sorry this happened, but happy you’re safe

Wow, that’s a shocker! Did they try to blame you for it? What are the chances the insurance company resold it for profit already? Anyway, hope you find another great car soon.

Nuri said:
Wow, that’s a shocker! Did they try to blame you for it? What are the chances the insurance company resold it for profit already? Anyway, hope you find another great car soon.

Luckily, there was a witness who told the officer the other driver was at fault, and the report assigned the blame to her. We share the same insurance, so resolving everything has been pretty smooth .

That’s good to hear, sometimes things just work out even when they seem tough.

Next time, consider getting a dash cam so you don’t have to rely on witnesses or hope the other person is being honest.

Zoran said:
Next time, consider getting a dash cam so you don’t have to rely on witnesses or hope the other person is being honest.

That’s a good idea. My wife agrees, we’re planning to get some for our vehicles. Any suggestions?

I use Viofo for all our cars. They’ve been reliable, and the video quality is solid. The A119 V3 model is a good, affordable option for basic video quality: [link] or for something with more features, try the A119 Mini 2: [link]

Great, I’ve just ordered two, thanks for the recommendation .

Oh no! I’m so glad you’re okay .

I’m so relieved you’re okay! And wow, that’s a lucky find .

Brett said:
I’m so relieved you’re okay! And wow, that’s a lucky find!

Thanks! I really did get lucky.

Wow, the hit was so strong, your Venza turned into a RAV4! Joking aside, happy no one was hurt .

I’m so sorry about the car! Hope everyone’s okay though