Will adding a dashcam to a new Camry mess with the warranty?

Hey everyone, thinking about adding a dashcam and want to hide the wiring. Does this cause any issues with the warranty?

No, but if you’re hardwiring it, it’s best to have it done by a pro so you have documentation just in case.

Wynne said:
No, but if you’re hardwiring it, it’s best to have it done by a pro so you have documentation just in case.

Thanks for the input. I was planning to ask the Toyota dealership if they could install it. Might be pricey, but I’d rather have them handle it. If they install it, does it still affect the warranty?

They offer some options, but they’re not cheap. If they install it, they’d be responsible if anything goes wrong.

If you hardwire it into the fuse box or tap into the electrical system, it could technically void the warranty if an electrical issue pops up. But if you just plug it into the charging port, there shouldn’t be any problems.

Appreciate the info, that makes sense.

Warranty issues usually depend on whether the mod is linked to the problem. If you add a dashcam and your wheel bearings fail, no issue. But if you add a dashcam and your alternator dies, they might try to argue that the dashcam caused it. That said, dealerships usually won’t go out of their way to deny claims over stuff like this.

Best way to avoid trouble is to have it installed by someone who knows what they’re doing.

That makes sense. I’ll check with the dealership and see what they say about installing it.