Will using this ODB tool void my warranty?

Hey, I picked up a plug-and-play ODB tool from AliExpress that has some pins you can configure before plugging it in. It adds extra functions like auto-locking the doors when shifting to D, among other things. The ODB needs to stay plugged in for these features to work. I don’t think it affects the car in any other way, but I’m unsure. Will this void my car warranty?

I drive a 2024 Corolla.


Don’t you mean locking the doors automatically?

Most of these features can be set by the owner through different personalization settings in the car.

Check your Owner’s Manual for more details.

Bell said:
Don’t you mean locking the doors automatically?

Most of these features can be set by the owner through different personalization settings in the car.

Check your Owner’s Manual for more details.

I checked the manual and even asked at the dealership. They said it’s not in the manual and it can’t be programmed.

That’s not true. Here’s a link: https://youtu.be/8b9Wh2R1V2Q?si=v-1z36APHe8GAZgT

You can change ‘dealer only’ options with a bi-directional scan tool or a Bluetooth dongle and an app like Carly or Carista.

The dealership says this model doesn’t have auto door lock.

Kelby said:
The dealership says this model doesn’t have auto door lock.

According to the manual, the doors lock automatically when shifting into drive or reverse, and unlock when shifting into park.

No, it won’t void your warranty. The only way it could is if it somehow damaged the OBD port, modules, or ECU. But that’s not likely. Even if it did, it would be hard for them to prove it was your fault unless you tell them.

Thanks for clearing that up!

If the aftermarket tool causes a failure, then yes, it could void the warranty.

Eliot said:
If the aftermarket tool causes a failure, then yes, it could void the warranty.

There’s no failure involved. The car doesn’t have the feature, and this device is just adding it.