Honestly, I would not trade the accord for a 2012 Highlander, don’t get me wrong the Toyota is a reliable vehicle but a 13yrs old with 150k will require more maintenance than your 2018-2019 accord. The 2gr fe is a reliable engine but it does have its quirks and I would not trade a perfectly reliable car for something that I’m not sure of… my two cents.
Ok thanks for the feedback. Repairs is what I’m trying so hard to avoid after putting over $10k worth of repairs in EACH of my last two suburbans. My current accord hybrid is a 2020 but it does have 123k miles on it. I was considering trying to negotiate a 2-3 year used car warranty with the dealer for the Highlander if I was going to make the trade. I think my car is worth 15k and the Highlander is being sold at $13k so fitting in a good warranty doesn’t seem out of the question.
You’ll notice that with American vehicles, various repairs are just part of ownership. Japanese vehicles don’t usually have that until much, much later in their life.
TundraTitans4 said:
You’ll notice that with American vehicles, various repairs are just part of ownership. Japanese vehicles don’t usually have that until much, much later in their life.
How do you feel about the idea of me getting a 2012 Highlander Hybrid with 156k miles on it?
Depends how hard its life was and if it comes with service records. But like I said in another comment, I’d just keep the Accord at this point. Especially if you still owe on it.
It’s very normal for MPG to go down that dramatically on any hybrid in the winter, not just your Accord. A HiHy will have the same issue.
Zev said:
It’s very normal for MPG to go down that dramatically on any hybrid in the winter, not just your Accord. A HiHy will have the same issue.
What are your thoughts on the reliability of the 2012 Highlander hybrid? Is the battery going to explode? Will I end up having to replace suspension, differentials, etc as soon as I buy it lol?
A 2012 vehicle is 13 years old now. You’re gonna have to replace wear items at some point. Suspension bits are wear items. Batteries are wear items. And I will personally guarantee that nobody has touched the rear diff and transfer case (if the hybrid has one) fluids, so those are gonna need to be serviced as well.
Yep, according to records they haven’t done anything with suspension or transmission services. They did replace coolant fluids twice now but that’s it.
nelly said:
Yep, according to records they haven’t done anything with suspension or transmission services. They did replace coolant fluids twice now but that’s it.
I bought my 2008 Sienna when it was ~13 years old. Same platform as the 2nd gen Highlander. I had to replace all of the suspension as it was never touched in its life. I even had service records dating back to 2013. Just oil changes and an engine swap with a 2010 at 200k (previous owner was an idiot and overheated it really badly).