Best brakes and rotors for 2022 camry xse

i have a 2022 camry xse and it’s almost time to change the brakes and rotors.

looking for recommendations on what to go with.

i was considering oem rotors since i’ve seen them recommended in other forums and pairing them with akebono pads, which would cost about $482.

it seemed odd to me that brembo pads are actually cheaper than akebono.

i also saw some people go with powerstop z17/z23 rotors and pads, and the z23 set comes in at $299.

anyone have experience with these or other recommendations? i live in a mountainous area, so i want something solid.

i’m using powerstop evolution pads. they wear well and don’t dust up my rims.

i also went with the drilled/slotted rotors from the same kit. they wear evenly and stop hard. there is a slight noise when stopping, but i had factory rotors warp on two camrys, so i needed a change.

my partner’s car has brembo rotors, and they’ve been great too. you can find the kits on

thanks, i appreciate the help. my factory rotors also squeaked and warped, so i was hesitant to go with another set.

is the noise from the powerstop rotors just a squeak?

also, is your partner’s car running brembo rotors and pads

brembo rotors on the front with evolution pads.

my car is quiet unless i hard brake, then there’s a low moaning sound as it grabs.

if you’re doing the rears, don’t forget to release the rear parking brake if you have the button. i use a toyota code reader for it: 2025 launch creader elite v2.0 for toyota lexus bi-directional scan tool

or you can use the button sequence to release it—look it up, i think it’s up up up, then down down down and hold for 30 seconds. you’ll hear it whir when it’s done. then you’ll need to re-engage it after the job.

got it, thanks. first time doing brakes on this car, so i’m hoping videos will walk me through it.