whenever it’s wet and then drops below freezing, my windows get stuck. it’s happened about four times this winter. looks like water is getting trapped under the seal at the base of the windows and then freezing. it happens mostly on the driver’s side and rear windows, but the passenger window seems fine.
could this be a defect or bad installation? has anyone else had this issue? is there a fix
use silicone spray, but make sure it’s safe for rubber. spray it on a rag and wipe down the door seals. this will stop them from sticking. you can also wipe some into the window channels if needed. just avoid spraying directly on the glass or paint because it can smudge and is hard to clean off. this also helps keep the seals in good shape.
Bennett said: @Devi
should i apply it to the outside of the seal, inside, or both
both the door seal and the seal on the door frame. just dampen a soft rag and wipe them down lightly—doesn’t take much. i started doing this after i once broke a plastic door handle trying to open a frozen door. learned my lesson.
Torrance said:
all four of my windows got stuck the other day. it wasn’t even that cold, maybe around 20°F.
yeah, at first i thought it only happened in extreme cold or ice, but today it was 27°F and there wasn’t even much snow melting. seems like the seals aren’t doing a great job keeping moisture out.