Engine coolant change... test for acidity first?

My 2020 Highlander is coming up on 5 years, and I was wondering if anyone has checked their coolant for acidity/pH? I’ve read that high acidity can start to damage gaskets, especially the head gasket.

Does anyone have recommendations for a good test kit? Also, Toyota coolant is supposed to last 5 years—should I just go ahead and change it?

You can use pH test strips, something like these. If it’s already at 5 years, I’d just spend the money on a DIY flush and replace the coolant, but the strips can be educational.

For most coolants, the ideal pH range is 7.5–9.0. If it’s closer to 7 or lower, it’s getting acidic.

Thanks! Tried opening the link, but it doesn’t seem to work for me.

Works fine for me. Might be because you’re in CA instead of the US? Try this version: https://www.amazon.ca/Phoenix-Systems-8001-B-Determine-Automotive/dp/B01CNHJ4QI.