After waiting for a while, I finally got my hands on my new car! I went with a color that I haven’t seen too many people get, but it looks great! Anyone else here a fan of this shade?
I do love that color. It reminds me of the T-1000 from Terminator. I’m not the biggest fan of the new designs, but that color is incredible.
Cool color!
That color looks great in the snow.
Jealous. Love that color!
Looks great, and perfect timing to get one. I would suggest letting the lake freeze over a bit more before trying to cross though unless you got the GAP insurance.
Love this.
Proper weather straight away…you lucky bastard.
What’s the name of the color?
Clarke said:
What’s the name of the color?
Magnetite Grey Metallic
Clarke said:
What’s the name of the color?
Magnetite Grey
I have an Onyx XT in this same color being delivered this week hopefully. Awesome choice and happy trails!
Looking good. Loved that color.
Beautiful OB! Congratulations!
That photo is amazing. Congratulations.
I love the Magnetite Grey. Congratulations!
Beautiful!!! Love that color!!
Man whenever I see people post the greys and whites, I always regret my silver just a little. At least I have the exclusive factor, where I’m at I see silver the least by far.
$3500 is worth the peace of mind if anything goes wrong. I’d pay that. First CVT cost $7k, second one a little over $10k. 3 years apart. Warranty covered both but maintenance costs are crazy. Congrats on your new OBW! It looks sweet. I will have to decide which one I want.
Subaru is killing it with their new designs.