Got T-boned by someone running a red light… 11k miles on my car

I was slowing down to 20. The light turned green, so I started speeding up again. Two cars on the right were stopped, blocking my view. I didn’t even see her coming. I have dashcam footage. My car only had 11k miles on it. All airbags went off.

That’s scary. Glad you’re okay.

Always watch for people running red lights, especially when driving a smaller car. If possible, let bigger vehicles go first or at least make sure the road is clear before moving.

Smaller cars are way more dangerous in crashes. You’re SEVEN TIMES more likely to die in an accident compared to those giant SUVs people insist on driving. Add texting, reckless drivers, and general carelessness, and it’s a disaster waiting to happen.

This is the kind of advice that needs more attention.

I’ll send the video.

Marin said:
I’ll send the video.

I wasn’t saying you did anything wrong. Just wanted to share what I’ve learned. I only found out about that statistic a few days ago, and now I’m extra careful, especially since I drive with a baby in the car.

Marin said:

Wow… I would have been hit too. That’s just really bad luck.

My 2015 Prius saved me in a bad rear-end crash a few years ago. I had to climb out through the window, but I walked away with just a headache.

Toyota does a great job with safety. If Priuses weren’t so expensive now, I’d stick with them forever.

That sucks. Glad you and your kid are okay.

Same thing happened to me. So many terrible drivers out there. Glad you’re both alright.

Is it a base model? Let me know how much they’re paying out. Glad you’re safe.

Themech said:
Is it a base model? Let me know how much they’re paying out. Glad you’re safe.

It’s a 2024 LE with AWD.

That’s rough.

Good thing you and your kid are okay. I have the same LE AWD in Wind Chill Pearl. I’ve already dodged two accidents in it.

IvankaMoore said:
Good thing you and your kid are okay. I have the same LE AWD in Wind Chill Pearl. I’ve already dodged two accidents in it.

I posted the video in the comments. This was one of those rare times where the car couldn’t predict it.

If you’re getting another car, keep in mind that black, white, and silver are the hardest colours to see on the road.