How do I turn off the engine shut-off feature… or can I?

I just got my 2025 truck and I’m still getting used to it. Is there a setting to turn off the feature that shuts down the engine when I stop moving? Thanks!

You can click the button in the left knee cluster whenever you start the truck. Otherwise not really

I’ll look. There are so many new buttons and settings I’ve never had before… Thanks

Hybrid? You can’t.
Not a hybrid, get the adapter that virtually presses the button on start, you can find them on Amazon or eBay

lyra said:
Hybrid? You can’t.
Not a hybrid, get the adapter that virtually presses the button on start, you can find them on Amazon or eBay

Not hybrid

Nuri said:

lyra said:
Hybrid? You can’t.
Not a hybrid, get the adapter that virtually presses the button on start, you can find them on Amazon or eBay

Not hybrid


Nuri said:

lyra said:
Hybrid? You can’t.
Not a hybrid, get the adapter that virtually presses the button on start, you can find them on Amazon or eBay

Not hybrid

Don’t push the brake pedal so hard and it doesn’t shut off

Yeah, if you like buying more fuel you can turn it off. RTFM, the instructions are in there.