How much horsepower will I really get adding these to my Tundra?

I was wondering how much actual horsepower gain I can expect from adding these mods to my Tundra. I’ve seen some wild claims, but what’s realistic?

Probably around tree-fitty.

Is this serious or just trolling? :smile:

I don’t know about horsepower, but you’ll definitely attract 3% more chicks. :wink:

This is a classic move right here. :joy:

Yes, but you might not notice it much.

I say add one of each color… yellow, orange, and red for maximum effect.

Makes me wonder, do people actually feel a difference?

If it looks good, does it even matter? :sweat_smile:

Ludicrous speed… here you come!

You’ll never know because any dyno you strap onto will explode.

What happens if you reverse the order—red, orange, yellow? Would it blow up?

Kale said:
What happens if you reverse the order—red, orange, yellow? Would it blow up?

Never cross the streams! Total catastrophe.

Just go for it. Send it all the way!

At least 500… maybe.

Not as much as adding raptor-style lights though.

I heard these actually help stop the engine from blowing up. Without them, you might be in trouble.

With these mods, your torque will be so crazy the whole chassis will twist!

Too much, lol. You’ll be unstoppable.

80085 :joy: