I bought my 2008 Highlander Hybrid for $13k back in September 2023. It’s my second car after my first one, a Chevy Aveo, completely gave out on me. I’ve taken it to Toyota three times already, and they keep telling me nothing is wrong… but I keep having the same issue.
I’ll be driving, then out of nowhere, I lose all acceleration, and the screen says “Check Hybrid System.” The first time it happened, I switched to econ mode and barely made it home. Took it to Toyota, and they said they couldn’t find anything wrong—no codes, no warning lights when they checked.
A week later, I try to leave for work—same thing. “Check Hybrid System” comes up, and I have no acceleration. I was in a rush, so I pulled the battery cable for a few minutes, put it back, and it ran fine. Later that same day, driving home, boom—same issue. I had to stop in the middle of the road and do the battery cable trick again.
Towed it to Toyota again, and once again, they scanned it and found nothing. No codes. They say there’s nothing they can do. I drove it home, and for about a week, no problems.
Then yesterday, as I’m pulling into my parking spot—“Check Hybrid System” again. This time, I didn’t reset anything. I left the warning up and called a tow truck. Surely, Toyota will see something now, right? Nope. They call me today and say everything is working fine.
I’m seriously losing my mind. How am I supposed to fix a car that keeps breaking but leaves no trace of the problem? I just want a car that works. I feel like I got scammed out of $13k. My dad gave me a CAA membership for Christmas, and I’ve already burned through almost all my free tows, and it’s only January.
I had a different car before this that cost me $2,000 in diagnostic fees before it ended up in the scrapyard. This feels like the same nightmare all over again. If anyone has any ideas or has dealt with this before, I would really appreciate any advice. I honestly feel like giving up.