New RAV - Is the warranty really necessary?

I had a smooth buying experience until I went to the finance office. The person there was really pushy about the extended warranty, especially mentioning computer chip issues. She said non-Toyota chips wouldn’t be covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. Is that true?

I said no to the warranty, and it seemed to really annoy her. When I tried to negotiate a better price, she actually laughed at me. It was a pretty terrible experience.

Lake said:
I said no to the warranty, and it seemed to really annoy her. When I tried to negotiate a better price, she actually laughed at me. It was a pretty terrible experience.

I had a similar experience.

Haha! It’s just a standard line they use. They always talk about the electronics, chips, and wait times. Don’t buy into it. These extended warranties are just a way to make money for them. Most of what they offer is already covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. Just read the fine print and you’ll see it.

I had the same thing happen, but they were also telling me that the key fob would cost $1500 to replace without the warranty, and the windshield calibration would be $6000. You can buy the warranty later from another dealership for cheaper, so no need to worry about it.

I don’t know about the warranty, but I had a similar experience. I turned down all the warranties, and later I spoke with someone I trusted at the dealership. He pretty much said they’re just trying to get more money from you.

They always try to pressure you. I ended up agreeing to an electrical warranty up to 150k miles, but the chances of needing it are slim. Plus, these warranties often have loopholes. I regretted it after, but I was just ready to leave. Toyota dealers can be really aggressive because they know the car will sell regardless. You don’t need to buy the extended warranty. Toyotas are known for reliability. If you plan to take care of your car, don’t waste money on that extra stuff.

The same thing happened to me. The finance guy was already rude, but when I turned down the extended warranty, he got even worse.

My finance guy tried to tell me that inflation would make the extended warranty more valuable. He even quoted fake maintenance fees to make it sound like a good deal. The warranty is just a way for them to make extra profit. Don’t buy it.

They’re all like that! If you plan on keeping the car for a while, maybe it’s worth it. But you can usually negotiate. I’ve managed to get a big discount on mine. The first one I got was 55% off, the second one was free, and the third was a few hundred below the asking price, plus I got 50% off accessories.

Extended warranties can be worth it, but only if the price is reasonable. Anything over $2500 for 72/100k miles is a rip-off. The cost to the dealership is usually around $1500.