What do you think about this 4Runner?

Saw this interesting 4Runner online… what’s everyone’s take?

I’ve seen a mix of these… some look decent, but most are pretty rough.

harry said:
I’ve seen a mix of these… some look decent, but most are pretty rough.

Haha, I think it’s the soft top that’s making it look weird to me.

That dual exhaust setup is awful. And the rest of it isn’t much better.

Tsuna said:
That dual exhaust setup is awful. And the rest of it isn’t much better.

Thanks for pointing that out… now I hate it even more. Also, why does it say ‘G Runner’? That’s just bad.

Tsuna said:
That dual exhaust setup is awful. And the rest of it isn’t much better.

Right?! It’s so awkward. Even a single exhaust off to one side would’ve looked 100x better.

Maybe it’s a way to save one if the roof got smashed by a tree or something, but yeah… wouldn’t do this to a clean 4Runner.

Huxley said:
Maybe it’s a way to save one if the roof got smashed by a tree or something, but yeah… wouldn’t do this to a clean 4Runner.

That’s probably what happened… let’s hope so anyway.

This poor 4Runner… it’s been butchered.

Wayne said:
This poor 4Runner… it’s been butchered.

Someone thought they were making it cooler… yikes.

This is like what the Subaru Baja wished it could be.

Never seen a 4Runner with a mullet before…

If you’re gonna do this, maybe try it on a 2nd gen instead. At least those have a tailgate-style hatch.

Calling it ‘the gimp’… seems about right.

Sorrell said:
Calling it ‘the gimp’… seems about right.

Here’s another shot of it if anyone’s curious.

Uhhhh… yeah, no. Hard pass.

Why ruin a 4Runner to try and make it a wannabe Tacoma? This just turned it into garbage.

Should we call this a ‘3Runner’ now?

Yup, a true 3Runner for sure.

Toni said:
Yup, a true 3Runner for sure.

Haha, only one front tire gets power now? Yeah, they definitely chopped off a quarter of the truck.