After years of dreaming, I finally bought a 2023 Venza Limited. It’s not the colour I initially wanted, but I’m still really happy with it. I’m excited to join the Venza owners’ club. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here in this forum. Your posts really helped me decide on this car, and I appreciate the advice I found here.
Not sure why my comment isn’t showing up, but I guess the title says it all. I picked it up yesterday and just wanted to thank this forum for all the advice. Reading old posts helped me with my decision.
Spence said: @Spence
Edit: I’m new to this forum, so I’m still learning how everything works. I can see my post now.
Congrats on your new car, and welcome to the group. Just a tip, don’t reply to your own comments. You can use the edit function instead to add or change things whenever you need.