Would it look better if the black part matched the body color… or nah

Been thinking about this for way too long… months, honestly. Just picked up a silver Touring after driving a 2022, and I’m loving it. But now I’m stuck on this—would it look better if the black trim was color-matched?

Anyone good with Photoshop?

Looks less like an Explorer and more like a ‘22-‘24 Forester.


Onyx said:
Looks less like an Explorer and more like a ‘22-‘24 Forester.


Yeah, I think so too! Appreciate this.

Zenith said:

Onyx said:
Looks less like an Explorer and more like a ‘22-‘24 Forester.


Yeah, I think so too! Appreciate this.

You could try color-matched vinyl instead of paint if you want something temporary.

Was looking into this…

Onyx said:
Looks less like an Explorer and more like a ‘22-‘24 Forester.


Loved the headlights on my ‘23. Honestly, one of my favorite upgrades from my ‘20.

Yeah, and that’s why I think it looks better with the black trim. Not hating on this white beauty though!

That’s exactly what Sarah N Tune said in her Forester review.

Frey said:
That’s exactly what Sarah N Tune said in her Forester review.

Can’t post an image for some reason, but just watch the video. Probably one of the best reviews—she even puts it on a lift and checks everything.

Might be sensors there.

Kade said:
Might be sensors there.

Hadn’t even thought about that. Good point.

My 2017 Forester came color-matched—at least in white. Kinda wish mine was black though, hides all the scratches from when my sister was learning to drive.

It makes a big difference when that part matches the body. Actually makes it look more like a Subaru and less like a Ford.

If you’re gonna fix something, maybe start with that empty fog light spot first.

You can polish it all you want, but it’s still the same car.